Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Okay, I have my LJ blog but thought I'd try this. I hate that I can look at someone's blog or even my own and then can't get back to editing my page without having to hit the return button. Why not keep a header with the menus in it? Gah!

And how do I find anyone's post unless they've invited me? What if I wanted to read all posts about giraffes? Double Gah! Double annoying. How can anyone say this is the best blogspot for writers if you can't be found? Grrrrr.


Eileen Kernaghan said...

Hi,Colleen. Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of blogging.
To read about giraffes (or just about anything else) go to http://search.blogger.com. Works for me.


Colleen Anderson said...

Thanks Eileen. It's odd they'd list it as a separate site but I guess they're just out of beta.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the b'sphere! Stop by and take a peek over at my place...
