Winner of the Jerry Jazz Musician short fiction contest Nov. 2007: New work out in Dreams & Nightmares, Shroud, Warrior Wisewoman, Pinecone, Nemonymous: Cone Zero.
Published works include fiction, fantasy, erotic, SF stories, poetry, articles, one co-produced Fringe Festival play. And a host of other little tidbits of interest, tucked away like clams.
Coming Soon "The First Touch"--Dreams and Nightmares (Jan 2008) "Amuse-Bouche"--Shroud Magazine #2 "Strict Management"-- Open for Business, Cleis Press
Special Notice "Cipher"(story)--Jerry Jazz Musician short fiction contest winner, 2007 "Hold Back the Night" (story)--Open Space anthology 2003, Years Best Science Fiction 22 Annual Collection, honourable mentione; The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: 17 Annual Collection— honourable mention;Shortlisted for the 2005? Gaylactic Spectrum award; Speculative Literature Foundation award nominee "These Proud Trees" (poem)--Talebones Honourable Mention in the Year's Best Horror & Fantasy 1996 "Phoenix Sunset"--2nd place Pinekone SF convention 1989 Shari Meakin Scholarship for writing (first recipient), Burnaby Writers Society 1988 "A Matter of View"--2nd place Pinekone SF convention 1987 "Hunger" (poem)--placed 15th/800--Cross Canada Writers Quarterly competition 1986