Monday, September 10, 2007

September 11th and the Holy Crusade

It is now six years since the Western world was slam dunked and woke up to the reality of the horrors that other parts of the world have suffered for a long time. There have always been terrorist attacks and bombings but this was the first time North America truly faced it without the sugar coating.

I can say, to this day that I have never seen a picture or TV spots of the Twin Towers falling. I still don't need to. I don't need to satisfy any ghoulish craving and the horror of what happened is strong enough I don't need it welded in my mind more firmly than it is. I felt a terror that day that I had never felt before.

And what difference did it make? Yes, it woke me up some. But am I any more prepared than I was 6 years ago? Prepared to have my world changed, prepared for the worst, having contingency plans and supplies tucked away? No, I'm pretty much complacent like many of us have become. Except our governments.

And yes, it is a government's job to protect its people but when protection is masked under the removal of civil liberties and the mass paranoia, well what is the government's true agenda; keeping the rats distracted? And I talk more here of the US, but Canada, Britain, Australia all have their complicities. We now have strident and ridiculous measures at airports. First, we had to start taking our shoes off because someone tried a shoe bomb. Then we had to start getting rid of extra liquid, because someone tried a bomb made of various liquids. Someone will end up with a tooth bomb and we'll be dropping our fangs in trays at the airport security stations. And then someone could use a tampon, a button, an earring, a belt. Soon, we'll be going through naked and there will still be new attempts to make bombs.

Right now I could take a plastic knife, or a shoelace and make a weapon and I'm not trying to be an "evil terrorist". If someone truly wants to create carnage, there is always a way around the system. Methods of sensible security are one thing but ridiculous paranoia does not inspire me with confidence of my country's intelligence or protection.

And then of course, six years after the fact, we look at George Bush's holy crusade that he likes to title his war on terror. Perhaps it should be reworded to his "war to perpetuate terror "as it's a matter of who is terrorized now. That I heard Americans saying ole George was doing the right thing in attacking Iraq and saving them from terrorists makes me shake my head at the stupidity. How many of the 9/11 terrorists came from Iraq? How many Al Qaeda operatives are being trained in Pakistan today, not in Iraq? What nationality is Osama bin Laden?

Osama sits back and laughs his head off knowing that he was more effective than he could have dreamed in his attacks. Lets look at the numbers (still disputed). Those dead from the 9/11 attacks--approximately 3,000. US soldiers killed in Irag since the 2003 US-led invasion--27,000 plus. Iraqis killed since the 2003 US-led invasion--655,000. Good going, George. You're doing Osama's work for him. He's sitting around sipping his favourite terrorist drink while you're his lackey dog.

I'm not saying Iraq didn't have a despotic and cruel dictator in power but it would have been nice to see countries helping the Iraqi people for the right reason, not some idiotic holy crusade of right wing Christian fundamentalism against right wing Muslim agression. I'm not saying that Afghanistan didn't need help. It did for years as its people were subjugated, especially the women. But it was never important enough (can we say, no oil) until George's war on terror. (This phrase makes me gag these days.)

What have I learned since Sept. 11? That nothing has been done for the right reason, to save people from fear and subjugation. What has been done was to take the terror away from here and put it on others, to push an agenda for power and religious might, for popularity. And if anything George Bush, you are the antichrist and your own worst enemy.

It really makes me wonder if there is any honour or good in the world. And I still mourn all the lives lost in power mongering wars and religious crusades, the world over.